Palliser's first new restaurant concept in 60 years
CALGARY — The venerable Fairmont Palliser hotel has launched a new restaurant concept, the Hawthorn Dining Room and Bar, with decor described as “modern vintage” with a lobby bar revival.
CALGARY — The venerable Fairmont Palliser hotel has launched a new restaurant concept, the Hawthorn Dining Room and Bar, with decor described as “modern vintage” with a lobby bar revival.
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — Scott Shumate of the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina realized he had 10 seconds after guests left the elevator to get them into his restaurant. His solution: one-of-a-kind beers.
Legalization of cannabis has raised concerns about workplace safety. A recent labour arbitration decision out of Atlantic Canada may, however, help to clarify the law around accommodating employees who use medical…
LAKE LOUISE, Alta. — Lake Louise Inn, managed by Atlific Hotels, is saving energy, water and waste by being the first hotel in the world to employ a SHARC Energy System Piranha
TORONTO—Expedia is a company based on constant A-B testing, and it has come up with a number of ways to help hotel partners, including a sophisticated rate-setting system and integration with Amazon's Alexa and Google.
IHG will remove all plastic straws from its global network of hotels by the end of next year, and sustainability-minded hotels are finding alternatives to single-use plastic bottles, including reusable bottles and water…
Designers Harry Christakis and Jocelyn Malcolm pitched their recommendations for a $15,000 and $20,000/room overhaul to two “dragons” at the Western Canadian Lodging Conference session.
TORONTO — ORHMA's Tony Elenis became aware of the issue of Human Trafficking in hotels after hearing a speaker from the London Police Department. “It's as big as drugs; as big as guns,” he said.
TORNGAT MOUNTAINS, N.L. — The Torngat Mountains near the top end of Labrador is a place to go for those who have been all over the world, says Stan Cook Jr., who managed the base camp there this summer.
For the Love of Cod! Conference space where you can privately call the office. Books as part of the culinary display. And elevators with themed photos and coloured lighting.